Monday, April 12, 2010

Old habits die hard.

Yeah, so I totally ended up binging Friday night. Surprised? I'm not. I haven't done that in a while, but you know what they say. Old habits die hard. Well, I'm never letting that happen again. Stuffing myself doesn't even make me feel good. So I'm done, really. (Wish me luck?)

Fail, fail, fail. It's Monday, is it not? A weigh-in day? Well, I haven't weighed myself. I really don't want to, I know I haven't lost anything. And I don't think I mentioned it, but I use Calorie Counter to keep track of what I eat and how much exercise I do. Ugh, haven't used it in a few days though. I just want to be normal, ya know? Like, eat normally and not have to keep track of every little thing. Hah, this will only last for a few days, no worries. But I just keep thinking, if other people can eat normally and not be fat, why can't I? Ugh, not fair. :(

But on a better note, going pretty good I think. I'm getting my temps soon, and I'm considering switching schools next year. All my friends right now are seniors, and they'll all be gone after this year, so it's not like I have anything to keep me at the shit-hole of the school I currently go to. And a new start would be people, new guys. ;] (and hopefully and new, skinny!, me?!) Because right now...ugh, I think I have feelings for my ex again. Which I have no right to do, considering I broke up with HIM. I dunno, I'll see him @ school tomorrow and maybe then I'll be able to figure out whether I really like him again (dear god, I hope not!) orrrrr if it just has something to do with the fact that the last time I saw him (also the first time we've hung out since we broke up), I ended up drunk and on top of him...haha, all clothes were on of course. :p But yeah, don't worry 'bout it, I'm just venting. Ignore me haha.

Oh! One last thing...uhhh, 2 followers?! Sweet. That makes me smile. (:


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